divendres, 26 de juny del 2009

Tribut a Hugh Jackman

Estimat Gabriel,

Si tinc que escollir una cançó de les que he escoltat recientment i que m’han colpit per d’intensitat de les seves paraules i per la perfecció de la seva interpretació, aquesta es ‘Once Before I Go’ que interpretava als escenaris el millor actor que tenim avui dins el món de la comèdia musical, tan oblidada, per desgracia. Be ja et pots imaginar que t’estic parlant del tot terreny i colossal Hugh Jackman, metro noranta de masculinitat i talent com ho demostra cada any be sigui a la gala dels Oscars o be a la dels Tony, mai cap actor presentador de les gales ha estat tan brillant com ho ha estat ell superant-se en cada edició. Passeja’t per el YouTube i gaudeix hores seguides del seu art i la seva presencia mai prou ponderada.

L’espectacle on aquesta cançó quasi el tancava era ‘The Boy from OZ’ una joia sense pretensions que arribava a l’anima de la gent degut a l’implicació que en Hugh Jackman posava dins el seu contingut prou arriscat per una societat encara emmirallada en molts tabús de contingut sexual.
Tribut per aquest home que va creure en un projecte sense fer-li por el mal parlar de la gent, la critica i la professió. Gracies Hugh!

Et deixo la lletra per que vegis com en ben poques paraules pots fer un acte de fe ara que es compleixen els quaranta anys de la mort de la Judy Garland i del Pride.

Once Before I Go
Once before I go
I want you to know
That I would do it all again
I'm sure I'd make the same mistakes
But I could make it through
The pains and joys and aches
I knew back then
I'd do it allI'd do it all again
Before I go
I want you to know
That I look back with no regrets
And when our luck was wearing thin
And we were down and out
And still came back to win against all bets
Now when I look back
I still have no regrets
And it's so hard to say good-byes
When there's so much that's left
Unspoken in your eyes
But unless I spread my wings again
I'm afraid I'll never soar
So hang on to the memories
And hold me close once more
Once more
Just once before I go
I want you to know
That I have loved you all along
And even when we're far apart
I only need to feel you're living in my heart
And I'll be strong
Love you just the way
I've loved you all along
And it's so hard to say good-byes
When there's so much that's left
Unspoken in your eyes
But unless I spread my wings again
I'm afraid I'll never soar
So kiss me for the last time
And hold me close once more
Once more
Just once before I go
I want you to know
That I have loved you all along
And even when we're far apart
I only need to feel you're living in my heart
And I'll be strong
You are the light that shines on me
You always were and you'll always be
So I had to let you know
Just this once
Just this once
Before I go